Welcome to
Grand Priory of the Americas
"In truth I am loyal to this fraternal society."
"The Order of St. George aids people forced to flee their homes due to natural or man made disasters. As an NGO, we save lives providing humanitarian aid to refugees and veterans. The Order of St. George is an international charity and a 501c3 in the USA. We are a recognized NGO with consultative status with the UN's ECOSOC and an active member in the UN's Congress of NGO's. Our Mission is three fold: Provide humanitarian aid to refugees worldwide Support our military veterans Foster youth leadership development through the Boy Scouts"
The Order promotes the timeless traditions of Chivalry by compassion and charity, providing humanitarian aid and medical supplies to refugee communites worldwide. a special focus supporting military veterans and youth leadership development through scouting support.
The Order of St George Hospitallers are comprised of Medical and EMT professionals, with military and civilian backgrounds, most actively participate in either Federal and/or State crisis mgt situations. With an extensive network of donor contacts; they are very successful raising donations of millions of dollars worth of medical supplies for refugees. Some may be deployed overseas on short assignments to assist with dispersement of our aid and to provide medical attention to refugees. We are an approved participant in the US Denton program.
Morroco Earthquake 9.8.23 - Plea
A Plea for aid from a young Morroccan girl living in post-earthquake Morocco.
Morroco Earthquake 9.8.23 - Conditions
The current living conditions after the September Earthquake in Morroco.

Morroco Earthquake 9.8.23 - Damage
The catastrophic and life altering damage caused by the September 8th Earthquake in Morrocco.
Turkey Earthquake Report 2.23.23
Dame Juliana visited and reported on the effects of the earthquake in Turkey. She reports on the St George Hospitaller efforts as well as her own Iraqi Christian Relief.
Ukraine Report 2.23.23
Chevalier Alex Shypka reports on the Order's humanitarian work in the Ukraine.
Tanzania Graduates Express Thanks
Scholarship recipients express their thanks to the donors who helped them graduate from the Kilimanjaro Information Technology College in Moshe, Tanzania.
Ukraine Relief Effort
The Order of St. George Hospitaller committee has raised donations of over $727,600 of medical supplies for Ukrainian refugees. The 23 pallets cost $27,000 for air cargo transport.
Approximately $1200/pallet.
Please donate. We need your help paying for shipping to get these aid items to the Ukraine.
Medical aid for hospitals
Three non-profit charitable organizations, Help Heroes Of Ukraine, The Order of St George - Grand Priory of the Americas, and Орден Лицарів Тамплієрів Єрусалима - Великий Пріорат України, have joined to support Ukraine
ICTV TV channel about medical aid for Ukrainian hospitals
TV story from the Help Heroes of Ukraine warehouse in Ukraine📍 Journalist told about a large-scale cargo of medical aid worth over $700,000. The truck with medicine has already left for two hospitals in Ukraine, where wounded defenders are being treated.
The Denton Program is authorized by U.S. Statute (10 U.S.C. 402). The actual transportation portion of this program is contractually managed by USTRANSCOM utilizing a contractor operating out of Joint Base Charleston, SC.
The Denton Program is a Department of Defense (DOD) transportation program that moves humanitarian cargo, donated by U.S. based Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to developing nations to ease human suffering. The approved cargo is transported by DOD land, air or sea assets on a space-available basis. The program is authorized by statute (10 U.S. Code 402) and is managed by the U.S. Department of State (DOS) and DOD.
Please donate
Please share with all of your contacts and ask them to share with others, and those to share with their friends etc... Make this appeal go viral!
Donate now so we may cover the shipping costs and
increase our efforts to help the refugees from the Ukraine
One pallet costs $1,200.00 to ship air cargo
Consider donating: $50 $100 $250 $500 or more
The Order of St. George is recognized as an IRS 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Donations may be tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor.